The World Wide (Religious) Web for Friday, May 6, 2011

CNN Poll: Majority in U.S. say bin Laden in hell. The rest have read Love Wins. Jackson Lears critiques atheism, specifically Sam Harris, from the port-side of the political spectrum. On Harris’s view of science: To define science as the source of absolute truth, Harris must first ignore the messy realities of power in the world of Big Science. In his books there is no discussion of the involvement of scientists in the military-industrial complex or in the pharmacological pursuit of profit. Nor is any attention paid to the ways that chance, careerism and intellectual fashion can shape research: how … Continue reading The World Wide (Religious) Web for Friday, May 6, 2011

The World Wide (Religious) Web for Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“Welcome to hell, bin Laden.” So said Gov. Mike Huckabee in the opening statement of his Huckabee Report. It’s a common sentiment, but is it a Christian one? James Martin SJ, asks, “What is a Christian Response to Bin Laden’s Death?”  Jennifer Fulwiler writes about “The Shocking Truth That God Loves [loved?] Bin Laden Too.” Jim Wallis argues that “it is never a Christian response to celebrate the death of any human being, even one so given over to the face of evil.” Joe Carter reminds us that “our relief at his death must be tempered by a Christian view … Continue reading The World Wide (Religious) Web for Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The World Wide (Religious) Web for Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama bin Laden is dead. Here’s President Obama’s statement. He was, apparently, given an Islamic burial at sea. Pope John Paul II is one step closer to sainthood. Remembering David Wilkerson. San Francisco wants to outlaw male circumcision. I’m sure rabbis will soon declare SF non-kosher. Seven urban legends preachers should avoid using as sermon illustrations. Your soul lives online long after you’re dead. Check out David Hume’s non-religious defense of traditional marriage against polygamy and loose divorce laws. What a misleading article in The Nation can teach evangelicals about adoption. asks, “Is it ever OK to lie?” The … Continue reading The World Wide (Religious) Web for Monday, May 2, 2011