Hundreds of thousands dying of malaria in Africa — AGWM organizing effort to distribute moquito nets

From AG News:

Violent conflicts, AIDS and starvation garner much of the media’s focus when discussing death in Africa. But there’s another killer that is claiming the lives of 800,000 Africans every year – nearly 700,000 of those suffering and dying being children under the age of five. The killer? Malaria.

According to the World Health Organization website, the type of mosquitoes that carry and spread the disease – caused by a parasite – bite mainly between dusk and dawn, when families are sleeping. Symptoms typically start appearing within 15 days and typically include coughing, feverish convulsions, vomiting and diarrhea. As the disease advances, anemia, powerful muscle spasms and coma often precede death in children.

Currently, 91 percent of all malaria deaths in the world occur in sub-Sahara Africa. Every 60 seconds, another African child dies from this dreaded, yet preventable, disease.

Randy Hurst

AG World Missions understands the greatest weapon against malaria in Africa is a simple mosquito net to provide a protective covering for families when the deadly mosquitoes are most active. According to Randy Hurst, AGWM Communications director, AG World Missions can purchase family-sized mosquito nets for just $5.00 apiece.

“The malaria epidemic in Africa is critical beyond imagination,” says Africa Regional Director Mike McClaflin. “But we can make an incredible life-changing difference for countless Africans, by empowering thousands of AG churches in the hardest hit areas to rescue people from disease and even death.”

“I’ve served as the Communications director for the last 15 years, and I’ve never seen an opportunity that offers such a great impact per dollar as this,” Hurst states. “We can literally save multiple lives for a $5.00 gift.”

Hurst explains that distribution of the nets will go through the national Assemblies of God churches in Africa. “More than 17 million African AG believers in more than 69,000 churches stand ready to reach out to those whose lives are at risk by giving a mosquito net to a family,” Hurst says. “It is not only a demonstration of Jesus’ love but, in many instances, affords the opportunity to present the gospel of salvation.”

To view a one-minute video concerning the malaria crisis in Africa or to financially assist with this project, click here.


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