Review of ‘Play the Man’ by Mark Batterson

Maleness is biological. Manhood is an achievement. Just because you’re the former doesn’t mean you’ll become the latter. In his new book, Play the Man, Mark Batterson aims to help male readers become men. He begins by outlining seven virtues … Continue reading Review of ‘Play the Man’ by Mark Batterson

Was the Forbidden Fruit an Apple?

Over at NPR, Nina Martyris explains how the forbidden fruit of Genesis 3 came to be an apple. Short version: a Latin pun by St. Jerome and an epic poem by John Milton. Long version: In order to explain, we have to go all the way back to the fourth century A.D., when Pope Damasus ordered his leading scholar of scripture, Jerome, to translate the Hebrew Bible into Latin. Jerome’s path-breaking, 15-year project, which resulted in the canonical Vulgate, used the Latin spoken by the common man. As it turned out, the Latin words for evil and apple are the … Continue reading Was the Forbidden Fruit an Apple?

Tuesday’s Influence Magazine Articles

Today, over at Mike Bonem shares insights about “Thriving in the Second Chair.” I review my friend Mark Batterson’s new book, Play the Man. And Doug Clay answers FAQs about whether donors can specify a gift to a church staff member. Please make sure to follow and like InfluenceInfluence magazine on Facebook, Twitter, and iTunes! Continue reading Tuesday’s Influence Magazine Articles

Monday’s Influence Magazine Articles

Today, over at I interview Dr. George O. Wood–aka, “Dad”–about mental health and ministry, which seems appropriate, given that May is Mental Health Awareness Month. David Hertweck draws on the wisdom of Martin Lloyd-Jones and reminds us to let the gospel fill our hearts and minds. In recognition of Screen-Free Week, Christina Quick suggests that families unplug for seven days. Please make sure to follow and like InfluenceInfluence magazine on Facebook, Twitter, and iTunes! Continue reading Monday’s Influence Magazine Articles