Thursday’s Influence Online Articles

Today, over at

  • Joy Qualls highlights the value of civil discourse: “People are desperate to see examples of healthy communication and positive relationships. It is incumbent upon us, as leaders who claim to represent Christ, that we model for one another how to engage in civil discourse that honors who we are as people created in the image of God who are all in need of healing from our argument culture.”
  • John Davidson talks to Kyle Dana for the Influence Podcast about the top three financial mistakes pastors make about their future. Kyle says the one thing you can do today to positively affect your financial future is simple: “Make a plan!”
  • Kathy Cannon offers advice about creating space for God: “I cannot pour out to others unless I consistently refuel by spending time in the presence of God, and that doesn’t happen by accident.”
  • We note Barna research showing that most U.S. pastors report excellent family relationships. “U.S. pastors have more positive views of their family relationships than the general population.” My view of my family is certainly positive…

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