How to Do Evangelism Online | Influence Podcast

“In 2020,” according to Barna Group’s Five Changing Contexts for Digital Evangelism report, “churches around the world woke up to the extraordinary, urgent need to embrace digital platforms in fresh ways in order to engage with—and sustain—their congregations during the pandemic.”

Now that the immediate crises of 2020 are well behind us, two questions come quickly to mind: Do we need to continue using digital platforms for ministry, especially evangelism? And if we do, how do we use them effectively?

Those are the questions I’m asking Shaila Visser in this episode of the Influence Podcast. I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.

Shaila Visser is director of Alpha Canada, global senior vice president for Alpha International, and Executive Producer of both The Alpha Youth Film Series (2013) and The Alpha Film Series (2016). She is a long-time practitioner of “evangelism and evangelistic responses in non-profits and the Church.”

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