Review of ‘Immediate Obedience’ by Rod Loy

 Rod Loy, Immediate Obedience: The Adventure of Tuning in to God (Springfield, MO: Influence Resources, 2014). Paperback / Kindle My son is five years old. Much of my parenting of him at the moment involves teaching impulse control. I tell him, “Just because you feel like yelling—or making rude noses or smacking your foster sister on the back of the head—doesn’t mean you have to do it.” It is generally understood that impulse control refers to the suppression of negative impulses. That is well and good, of course, but not all our impulses are negative. Should we also teach our … Continue reading Review of ‘Immediate Obedience’ by Rod Loy

‘The Jesus-Hearted Woman’ by Jodi Detrick

The latest issue of Enrichment contains an excerpt from Jodi Detrick’s new book, The Jesus-Hearted Woman (paperback, Kindle). Here’s the conclusion of the excerpt: Many times while writing about these 10 qualities so crucial to being an enduring and endearing leader, I’ve discovered something that startled my predictable way of thinking, encouraged the deeper places in my heart, or inspired my sagging hopes. There were also times when the bigger revelation was just how Jodi-hearted I am, instead of how Jesus-hearted I should be. Yet, I take heart in this: all these leadership qualities (and infinitely more) are personified in Jesus. Colossians 2:9,10, … Continue reading ‘The Jesus-Hearted Woman’ by Jodi Detrick