Is Shutting Down the Government Unbiblical?

According to Jim Wallis, shutting down the United States government is “unbiblical.” In other words, he argues that the current crisis in Washington DC is not merely a political problem; it is a theological problem. Furthermore, he lays the blame squarely on “extremists” whom, he says, “don’t believe in government per se” and are therefore “against the poor.” Some conservative evangelicals might dismiss Wallis out of hand as a Democratic partisan and left-wing activist. Such an automatic dismissal is ad hominem and untoward. Yes, Wallis’s politics trend Left, and while he often makes common cause with Democrats, I have no … Continue reading Is Shutting Down the Government Unbiblical?

Review of ‘Moral Minority: The Evangelical Left in an Age of Conservatism’ by David R. Swartz

 Swartz, David R. 2012. Moral Minority: The Evangelical Left in an Age of Conservatism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. In America, white evangelicals are politically conservative. Seventy-nine percent of white evangelicals who voted in 2012, for example, cast their presidential ballot for Republican Mitt Romney, matching George W. Bush’s share of white evangelical voters in 2004. So connected in the public mind have evangelicalism and conservatism become that it’s hard for many to imagine any other state of affairs. Indeed, many white evangelicals themselves have a hard time imagining how any Christian could vote for a Democrat.[1] Forty years ago, … Continue reading Review of ‘Moral Minority: The Evangelical Left in an Age of Conservatism’ by David R. Swartz

The World Wide Religious Web for Monday, January 2, 2012

LIFE SUCKS, I’M TAKING A SABBATICAL: “A Time to Go Deeper.”A question for Jim Wallis: How many members of the 99% have sufficient wealth, or work for an organization with sufficient resources, to allow them to take a 3-month sabbatical? WHAT’S THE UNDER/OVER ON THESE PREDICTIONS? “15 faith-based predictions for 2012.” AND? “Libertarianism and Christianity.” SENSIBLE? “Toward a Sensible Discussion of Empire.” DIVIDED WE FALL: “Tea Party, Occupy movements fail to capture Americans’ hearts.” GOOD QUESTION: “Why do Iowa’s evangelicals wield so much political clout?” ANOTHER GOOD QUESTION: “Why are imams telling us about nail polish?” TOP 10: “Top 10 … Continue reading The World Wide Religious Web for Monday, January 2, 2012

The World Wide (Religious) Web for Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“Welcome to hell, bin Laden.” So said Gov. Mike Huckabee in the opening statement of his Huckabee Report. It’s a common sentiment, but is it a Christian one? James Martin SJ, asks, “What is a Christian Response to Bin Laden’s Death?”  Jennifer Fulwiler writes about “The Shocking Truth That God Loves [loved?] Bin Laden Too.” Jim Wallis argues that “it is never a Christian response to celebrate the death of any human being, even one so given over to the face of evil.” Joe Carter reminds us that “our relief at his death must be tempered by a Christian view … Continue reading The World Wide (Religious) Web for Tuesday, May 3, 2011