Review of ‘Global Witness to Pentecost’ by Jordan Daniel May

 Jordan Daniel May, Global Witness to Pentecost: The Testimony of ‘Other Tongues’ (Cleveland, TN: Cherohala Press, 2013). $12.95, 152 pages. Paperback / Kindle One of the hallmarks of Pentecostalism is speaking in tongues, a practice first recorded in Acts 2:4: “All of them [i.e., the disciples of Jesus] were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (NIV). In Greek, the word translated “tongues” is glossais. The NIV marginal note lists “languages” as an alternative translation. In Acts 2:6, Luke notes that the crowd “heard their own language being spoken,” where … Continue reading Review of ‘Global Witness to Pentecost’ by Jordan Daniel May