Review of ‘Pentecost: This Story Is Our Story’ by Robert P. Menzies

 Robert P. Menzies, Pentecost: This Story Is Our Story (Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 2013). $14.99, 182 pages. Paperback / Kindle What is Pentecostal Christianity? There are a number of ways to answer that question. As a historian, one could outline the origins and worldwide growth of the movement over the last 100+ years of its existence. As a sociologist, one could analyze the spiritual experiences, forms of life, and social influence of Pentecostals in their various global contexts. Admitting the value of history and sociology, Robert P. Menzies nonetheless answers the question as a theologian, averring that the other … Continue reading Review of ‘Pentecost: This Story Is Our Story’ by Robert P. Menzies