Review of ‘Make Me: A Jack Reacher Novel’ by Lee Child

Lee Child, Make Me: A Jack Reacher Novel (New York: Delacorte, 2015). Hardcover | Kindle Reading fiction requires a willing suspension of disbelief. With Lee Child’s Jack Reacher novels, this suspension usually comes easily. Child is a talented writer whose narrative pacing grabs your attention and drags you along with it until Reacher gets his man. Unfortunately, I had a hard time suspending disbelief while reading Make Me, the twentieth novel in the Reacher series. The novel is a page-turner, which I read in its entirety on the day of publication. But unlike previous novels, I found myself increasingly skeptical … Continue reading Review of ‘Make Me: A Jack Reacher Novel’ by Lee Child

Review of ‘Small Wars: A Jack Reacher Story’ by Lee Child

Lee Child, Small Wars: A Jack Reacher Story (New York: Delacorte, 2015). Kindle In the spring of 1989, Lt. Col. Caroline Crawford of the Pentagon’s War Plans department is executed—military style—in the Georgia backwoods outside Fort Smith. Maj. Jack Reacher is called in to investigate and in the process uncovers a traitor and exonerates an innocent man. A quick and entertaining read, Small Wars will whet your appetite for Make Me, the Jack Reacher novel forthcoming in September. P.S. If you found my review helpful, please vote “Yes” on my review page. Continue reading Review of ‘Small Wars: A Jack Reacher Story’ by Lee Child