Women In Ministry

A well-regarded California megachurch was recently expelled from its evangelical denomination because it ordained women as pastors. “The issue of women serving in the pastorate is an issue of fundamental biblical authority,” one minister said in defense of the expulsion … Continue reading Women In Ministry

Three Books on Women in Leadership | Book Recommendations

Ministry of Women in the New Testament Dorothy A. Lee (Baker Academic) Does Scripture limit the ministries of Christian women based on their sex? According to this book, it does not. Instead, writes the author, the New Testament teaches that “women should have full access to the church’s ministry, whether in lay or ordained ministries, and that this access needs to depend not on gender but rather on a sense of vocation and on the church’s discernment of calling.” In an era of rising complementarianism among some evangelicals, this book offers a much-needed corrective. P.S. If you liked this recommendation, … Continue reading Three Books on Women in Leadership | Book Recommendations