What I’m Reading Today

American Views on Terrorism: 15 Years after 9/11 “When asked how likely they think they would be the victim of a terrorist attack, most Americans believe they are either “not really” (52%) or “not at all likely” (20%) to be victims. However, almost a quarter believe it is “somewhat likely” (23%). This is a relatively large number…” ‘Consensus Statement’ to Force MDs to Kill/Abort With Wesley J. Smith, I’m flabbergasted by a recent bioethicists’ statement that suggests physicians should not be given a conscientious exemption from participating in euthanasia and abortion, where those practices are legal. Massachusetts: Churches may be … Continue reading What I’m Reading Today

Religion Among the Millennials

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released a new report yesterday: Religion Among the Millennials. (Millennials are people born in 1981 or later.) You can view the introduction and overview here, or the full report here. The subtitle of the report gets at the gist of it: Less Religiously Active Than Older Americans, But Fairly Traditional In Other Ways. This report is one in a series of ongoing reports from the Pew Forum’s ongoing Project: Millennials: A Portrait of Generation Next. Continue reading Religion Among the Millennials