Review of ‘Health, Wealth and Happiness’ by David W. Jones and Russell S. Woodbridge

 David W. Jones and Russell S. Woodbridge, Health, Wealth and Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ? (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2011). Paperback / Kindle Health, Wealth and Happiness by David W. Jones and Russell S. Woodbridge offers both a critique of prosperity theology as well as an exposition of what the Bible really teaches about suffering, wealth and poverty, and giving. Regarding the critique, it identifies major theological errors in prosperity theology without concluding that adherents are not Christians. And regarding the exposition, its approach outlines biblical teaching in the context of salvation history, i.e., … Continue reading Review of ‘Health, Wealth and Happiness’ by David W. Jones and Russell S. Woodbridge