First, the Bad News about Sin (Ephesians 2.1–3)

SCRIPTURE READING Ephesians 2.1–3 DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT In Ephesians 2.1–22, the Apostle Paul summarizes the Christian message of salvation. We might outline his points as follows: Sin: “you were dead in the trespasses and sins” (verses 1–3). Grace: “But God, being rich in mercy…made us alive together with Christ” (verses 4–7). Faith and works: “by grace you have been saved through faith…not [as] a result of works” (verses 8–10). Peace: “[Christ] himself is our peace, who has…broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility” (verses 11–18). Church: “In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place … Continue reading First, the Bad News about Sin (Ephesians 2.1–3)