How to Help People Understand Glossolalia | Influence Podcast

Speaking in tongues is one of Pentecostalism’s most distinctive practices. And yet, in his doctoral research, Timothy Laurito found that “a majority of self-identified Pentecostal participants did not feel like they had even been adequately taught about speaking in tongues.” … Continue reading How to Help People Understand Glossolalia | Influence Podcast

Embracing the Apostolic and the Prophetic With Discernment | Influence Podcast

In Ephesians 4:11–12, the apostle Paul writes, “Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Pentecostals believe this fivefold ministry continues today. Any spiritual gift can be abused, however. And when it comes to the apostolic and the prophetic specifically, unfortunately, abuses are all too common. How, then, should Pentecostals develop the proper use of apostolic and prophetic gifts, even as they discern their misuse and abuse? That’s the question I ask Dr. Joseph Girdler and Dr. Carolyn … Continue reading Embracing the Apostolic and the Prophetic With Discernment | Influence Podcast

Review of ‘Spiritual Persons, Gifts, and Churches’ by George M. Flattery

George M. Flattery, Spiritual Persons, Gifts, and Churches: A Commentary on 1 Corinthians 12–14 (Springfield, MO: Network211, 2015). First Corinthians 12–14 presents the apostle Paul’s most detailed description of and instructions about pneumatikōn, typically translated “spiritual gifts.” The contemporary Pentecostal movement has turned to this passage repeatedly both to defend the use of prophecy, tongues, and interpretation in its worship services against cessationist critics, as well as to order that use in those worship services against charismatic excesses. George M. Flattery’s commentary offers a clear survey of the relevant interpretive issues and is thus a welcome contribution to Pentecostal literature … Continue reading Review of ‘Spiritual Persons, Gifts, and Churches’ by George M. Flattery

Review of ‘The Volunteer Church’ and ‘Volunteering’ by Leith Anderson and Jill Fox

Leith Anderson and Jill Fox, The Volunteer Church: Mobilizing Your Congregation for Growth and Effectiveness (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2015). Paperback | Kindle _____, Volunteering: A Guide to Serving in the Body of Christ (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2015). Paperback | Kindle “At their core churches are volunteer organizations,” write Leith Anderson and Jill Fox. The issue, then, is not whether a church has ministry volunteers but how well it mobilizes volunteers for ministry. The Volunteer Church offers guidance that will help church leaders: effectively recruit and train volunteers; build sustainable, long-lasting ministries led by volunteers; encourage and maintain volunteers; … Continue reading Review of ‘The Volunteer Church’ and ‘Volunteering’ by Leith Anderson and Jill Fox

Spiritual Gifts (Ephesians 4.7–16)

SCRIPTURE READING Ephesians 4.7–16 DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT Paul’s letter to the Ephesians naturally divides in halves. In the first half (chapters 1–3), Paul’s overarching theme is “by grace you have been saved, through faith…not by works” (2.8–9). But in the second half (chapters 4–6), Paul’s overarching theme is “live a life worthy of the calling you have received” (4.1). If I had to summarize the entire message of Ephesians, I would do so this way: Jesus Christ saves us by grace through faith for works. So, as we begin to study Ephesians 4–6, it is helpful to keep in mind that … Continue reading Spiritual Gifts (Ephesians 4.7–16)