5 Obvious But Oft-Ignored Theo-Political Truths

This morning, Facebook put a “memory” in my timeline about a post I wrote three years ago to the date. God is not a Republican. Jesus is not a Democrat. The Holy Spirit is not a moderate. The Church is … Continue reading 5 Obvious But Oft-Ignored Theo-Political Truths

Liberty in the Things of God | Book Review

Robert Louis Wilken opens Liberty in the Things of God with this proposition, which American readers likely will find unobjectionable, if not self-evident: “Religious freedom rests on a simple truth: religious faith is an inward disposition of the mind and heart and for that reason cannot be coerced by external force.” And yet, throughout history, this seemingly unobjectionable, self-evident proposition has been more honored in the breach than in the observance. Consider, for example, the history of Christianity, which was born in the fires of persecution. When Christians became Roman emperors, the formerly persecuted turned imperial power into a sword against … Continue reading Liberty in the Things of God | Book Review