Review of ‘Pentecostalism: A Very Short Introduction’ by William K. Kay

 Kay, William K. 2011. Pentecostalism: A Very Short Introduction. Vol. 255, Very Short Introductions. New York: Oxford University Press. Pentecostal Christianity is the fastest-growing religious movement of the modern era. Over the past 100 years, it has grown from a handful of adherents to well over 500 million. Often associated with white, right-wing, American televangelists in the public mind, it is actually populated by poor, Majority World residents whose political commitments are diverse. William Kay’s Pentecostalism: A Very Short Introduction ably introduces this movement by sketching an outline of its history (chapters 1–3), theology (chapters 4–5), and sociology (chapters 6–7). … Continue reading Review of ‘Pentecostalism: A Very Short Introduction’ by William K. Kay