‘Believing God for a Mobilized Church’ by Zollie L. Smith Jr.

In the fall 2013 issue of Enrichment, Zollie L. Smith Jr. writes: As we can attest, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people” (Proverbs 14:34). The righteousness of the Church is the answer to an oppressed people. Jesus’ prayer of unity on behalf of the Church has become my focal point, and I am more committed than ever to see it fulfilled. The challenges we face in America are going to require the services of every Christian becoming unified in the war against sin. We must clothe ourselves with the garment of love and reach out to the … Continue reading ‘Believing God for a Mobilized Church’ by Zollie L. Smith Jr.

‘Believing God for a Prophetically Relevant Church’ by Doug Clay

 In the fall 2013 issue of Enrichment, Doug Clay writes: Prophetic relevance does not mean reciting a litany of passages from Minor Prophets in the Old Testament about God’s judgment on people. It does not mean getting in the face of others with a bullhorn to your mouth and a placard in your hand. It does not mean standing on the steps in a sports stadium shouting “Repent or die!” No, the practical way to have a prophetic voice in a secular culture when the world’s values are not the same is learning the art and practicing the science of … Continue reading ‘Believing God for a Prophetically Relevant Church’ by Doug Clay

‘Believing God for Spirit-Empowerment’ by Alton Garrison

 From the fall 2013 issue of Enrichment: Sadly, it appears that believers in many corners of the church are either abandoning Spirit-empowerment or have failed to access it in the first place. I fear that if the Holy Spirit were taken completely from a church, many elements of the work of that church would go on as if nothing had happened. What a travesty of what every church was meant to be. And can this also be true of our personal lives? Are many of us in our area of ministry calling churning out “Christian” activity day to day that has … Continue reading ‘Believing God for Spirit-Empowerment’ by Alton Garrison