Review of ’40/40 Vision’ by Peter Greer and Greg Lafferty

Peter Greer and Greg Lafferty, 40/40 Vision: Clarifying Your Mission in Midlife (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2015). [Note: This review originally appeared at] An 80-country survey asked respondents, “All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?” People in their 40s were least satisfied, with 46-year-olds being unhappiest. I am 46 years old. Needless to say, I read Peter Greer and Greg Lafferty’s new book with keen interest. The forties are the decade when men and women experience midlife crisis. They are halfway through their lives equidistant from the start of their … Continue reading Review of ’40/40 Vision’ by Peter Greer and Greg Lafferty

Review of ‘Mission Drift’ by Peter Greer and Christ Horst, with Anna Haggard

Peter Greer and Chris Horst, with Anna Hagard, Mission Drift: The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities, and Churches (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2014). Hardcover | Paperback | Kindle “Without careful attention, faith-based organizations will inevitably drift from their founding mission.” So write Peter Greer and Chris Horst in Mission Drift. The most obvious form of such drift is the outright secularization of the organization. But secularization doesn’t happen overnight. It is preceded by small compromises that, when put together, lead to fundamental changes in the organization. The purpose of Mission Drift is to help faith-based organizations avoid drift by paying … Continue reading Review of ‘Mission Drift’ by Peter Greer and Christ Horst, with Anna Haggard