Wounded teen helped another badly hurt man out of Aurora theater

His name is Prodeo Patria. In Latin, the phrase pro deo et patria means “For God and country.” So Prodeo Patria seems like an apt name for a hero. Here’s his story: Doctors tell Prodeo Patria that the pain throbbing near the bullet lodged in his side will fade away. But the memory of a terror-filled night when he was one of 70 people shot isn’t likely to leave him. The 14 year-old Overland High School student sat with his mother, father and another couple at the midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises,” when James Eagan Holmes allegedly threw … Continue reading Wounded teen helped another badly hurt man out of Aurora theater

The Aurora Murders and Demonic Possession: Demonic infestation is a rare, strange and terrible psycho-spiritual affliction. It’s also real. Was James Holmes possessed?

Father Dwight Longenecker raises the possibility, and explains the deeper meaning, of possession by Evil: What makes a mild mannered, promising young scientist decide to arm himself to the teeth, walk into a suburban movie theater and start killing innocent people at random? Did he have a bad childhood experience? Doesn’t seem that way. Everybody says he was a nice, very smart, shy kid. Maybe a bit of a geek, but there are millions of geeks who don’t go on killing sprees. Was he insane? There weren’t any warning signs that he was crazy. Was he politically or religiously motivated? … Continue reading The Aurora Murders and Demonic Possession: Demonic infestation is a rare, strange and terrible psycho-spiritual affliction. It’s also real. Was James Holmes possessed?