Review of ‘Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?’ (revised edition) by John Fea

John Fea, Was America Founded as a Christian Nation? A Historical Introduction, rev. ed. (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2016). Few questions in American politics generate as much controversy as the relationship between church and state. On one side are … Continue reading Review of ‘Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?’ (revised edition) by John Fea

How Patriot Clergy Used the Bible To Support the Revolution

 James P. Byrd, Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013). $27.95, 256 pages. This past Fourth of July, the Freedom from Religion Foundation took out a full-page ad in a number of newspapers, the banner of which proclaimed, “Celebrate Our Godless Constitution.” According to FFRF’s description of it, the ad quoted “U.S. Founders and Framers on their strong views against religion in government, and often critical views on religion in general.” Its purpose was to counter Hobby Lobby’s annual July 4th ad, which “shamelessly promote[s] the myth that the United States … Continue reading How Patriot Clergy Used the Bible To Support the Revolution