The Yeast of the Pharisees (Mark 8.1­–21)

Over the past two years, I have become a huge fan of television crime shows. I watch CSI, Law & Order, Cold Case, and Numbers, of course, all of which are fictional. But I enjoy “true crime” shows the most. My wife and I TiVo every episode of American Justice and Cold Case Files. What fascinates me about these shows is the way detectives patiently gather and sift evidence in order to solve the case and convict a criminal. Mark 8.1–21 tells two stories. The first is the feeding of the 4000 (vv. 1–13). The second reports on the debriefing … Continue reading The Yeast of the Pharisees (Mark 8.1­–21)

The World Wide (Religious) Web for Thursday, December 22, 2011

DECEMBER 22: Happy Winter Solstice Day! POT, MEET KETTLE: “The Accidental Universe: Science’s crisis of faith.” That same uncertainty disturbs many physicists who are adjusting to the idea of the multiverse. Not only must we accept that basic properties of our universe are accidental and uncalculable. In addition, we must believe in the existence of many other universes. But we have no conceivable way of observing these other universes and cannot prove their existence. Thus, to explain what we see in the world and in our mental deductions, we must believe in what we cannot prove. Sound familiar? Theologians are … Continue reading The World Wide (Religious) Web for Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christianity & Western Thought, Volume 3: Journey to Postmodernity in the 20th Century

Alan G. Padgett and Steve Wilkens, Christianity and Western Thought, Vol. 3: Journey to Postmodernity in the Twentieth Century (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009). $35.00, 388 pages. Tertullian, the North African church father, famously asked, “What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” Athens was a cipher for rational philosophy; Jerusalem for revealed theology. Tertullian’s answer to this question was apparently, “Nothing.” In the two millennia of its existence, however, the mainstream of the Christian church has answered, “Quite a lot.” Over the past twenty years, InterVarsity Press has published a three-volume survey of the interactions between reason and faith, … Continue reading Christianity & Western Thought, Volume 3: Journey to Postmodernity in the 20th Century