George F. Will on the Comprehensive, Aggressive, and Dangerous Threat to Free Speech in Contemporary America

George F. Will spoke at the Inaugural Disinvitation Dinner of the William F. Buckley Program at Yale University. His thesis? “Free speech has never been, in the history of our republic, more comprehensively, aggressively, and dangerously threatened than it is now.” Take a look! Continue reading George F. Will on the Comprehensive, Aggressive, and Dangerous Threat to Free Speech in Contemporary America

George F. Will Offers a “Nones” Perspective on “Religion and the American Republic”

George F. Will pens a typically insightful essay in the most recent issue of National Affairs: “Religion and the American Republic.” The unique “angle” on this essay is Will’s identification with the 20 percent of Americans who are religiously unaffiliated, i.e., the “nones.” From his conclusion: Alexis de Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America just two generations after the American founding — two generations after Madison identified tyranny of the majority as the distinctively worst political outcome that democracy could produce. Tocqueville had a different answer to the question of what kind of despotism democratic nations should fear most. His warning is justly famous and more pertinent … Continue reading George F. Will Offers a “Nones” Perspective on “Religion and the American Republic”