“Our Father in Heaven”: How God’s Character Motivates and Directs Our Prayers

Today is the U.S. National Day of Prayer. When Jesus’ disciples asked for a lesson in how to pray, Jesus laid out a model prayer that starts like this, “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven…” Whom You Pray to Matters The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13) consists of six petitions. When we pray, we ask God that His name be hallowed, His kingdom come, His will be done, our needs be met, our sins forgiven, and our souls protected. Notice the order of these requests. First, we direct our attention to God and His concerns; then … Continue reading “Our Father in Heaven”: How God’s Character Motivates and Directs Our Prayers

The God-Man (Revelation 1:12–16)

Revelation 1:9–11 introduces John’s vision of Jesus Christ by reporting his commission to “write what you see.” Verses 12–20 describe what John actually saw: Jesus Christ in glory (verses 12–16) standing in the midst of his churches (verses 17–20). We should pay close attention to John’s description of Jesus Christ. General appearance: “one like a son of man” Clothing: “a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest” Hair: “white like wool, as white as snow” Eyes: “like a flame of fire” Feet: “like burnished bronze” Voice: “like the roar of many waters” Now, this is not the … Continue reading The God-Man (Revelation 1:12–16)