Restoring Peace Through Words | Influence Podcast

“Words create worlds,” writes Mark Batterson in Please, Sorry, Thanks. If so, what kinds of worlds are we creating? Do our words give life or deal death (Proverbs 18:21)? Batterson is pastor of National Community Church in Washington DC. More … Continue reading Restoring Peace Through Words | Influence Podcast

Marriage, Religious Liberty, and the “Grand Bargain”: An Instance of Neuhaus’ Law?

The late Richard John Neuhaus once articulated a principle that he presumed to call Neuhaus’ Law: “Where orthodoxy is optional, orthodoxy will sooner or later be proscribed.” Over at Public Discourse, Robert P. George offers what I take to be an instance of this law, namely, the “grand bargain” between proponents and opponents of same-sex marriage: Since most liberals and even some conservatives, it seems, apparently have no understanding at all of the conjugal conception of marriage as a one-flesh union—not even enough of a grasp to consciously consider and reject it—they uncritically conceive marriage as sexual-romantic domestic partnership, as … Continue reading Marriage, Religious Liberty, and the “Grand Bargain”: An Instance of Neuhaus’ Law?