‘Seven Stanzas at Easter’ by John Updike

Make no mistake: if He rose at all it was as His body; if the cells’ dissolution did not reverse, the molecules reknit, the amino acids rekindle, the Church will fall.   It was not as the flowers, each soft Spring recurrent; it was not as His Spirit in the mouths and fuddled eyes of the eleven apostles; it was as His Flesh: ours.   The same hinged thumbs and toes, the same valved heart that — pierced — died, withered, paused, and then regathered out of enduring Might new strength to enclose.   Let us not mock God with … Continue reading ‘Seven Stanzas at Easter’ by John Updike

Mo Sabri: ‘I Believe in Jesus’

Mo Sabri is a Muslim who believes in Jesus. No, he’s not part of the insider movement. He’s a Muslim…who believes in Jesus. It may surprise Pentecostal and evangelical Christians to learn that Muslims believe that Jesus, among other things, was born of a virgin, was commissioned to preach, ascended into heaven, and will return again to Jerusalem. Alongside these orthodox beliefs, which are reflected in Mo Sabri’s song, Muslims deny that Jesus was God incarnate and the atonement for our sins. So, from the standpoint of Christian theology (and of historical truth), the Muslim view of Jesus is deficient. … Continue reading Mo Sabri: ‘I Believe in Jesus’

The Creed of Abraham Lincoln in His Own Words

The Creed of Abraham Lincoln in His Own Words By William E. Barton[1]   I believe in God, the Almighty Ruler of Nations,[2] our great and good and merciful Maker,[3] our Father in Heaven, who notes the fall of a sparrow, and numbers the hairs of our heads.[4] I believe in His eternal truth and justice.[5] I recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history that those nations only are blest whose God is the Lord.[6] I believe that it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence … Continue reading The Creed of Abraham Lincoln in His Own Words

The 3 Deadliest Words in Many Parts of the World: ‘It’s a Girl’

In America, feminism normally supports pro-choice politics. Given what some have called “gendercide”–the abortion, infanticide, or abandonment of girls based solely upon their sex, especially in India and China–I wonder if feminism shouldn’t (re)turn to its pro-life roots. For more about the movie “It’s a Girl,” click here. Continue reading The 3 Deadliest Words in Many Parts of the World: ‘It’s a Girl’