How to Become an Apprentice of Jesus

The Greek word for Christian appears three times in the New Testament, while the Greek word for disciple appears 261 times. And though Christian seems to have been coined by outsiders (Acts 11:26), insiders used disciple to describe themselves. Indeed, … Continue reading How to Become an Apprentice of Jesus

Rick Warren’s Laws of Spiritual Growth

I’m listening to a webcast by Rick Warren about 40 Days in the Word, his church-wide campaign for spring 2012. In his introductory remarks, Warren talked about eight laws of spiritual growth. Here they are: Spiritual growth is intentional: We grow by making commitments. …incremental: We grow step by step. …personal: We grow at different rates than others. …habitual: We grow by developing good habits. …relational: Spiritual growth happens in community. …multidimensional: Spiritual growth involves the five purposes (worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, evangelism) and the various learning styles (hearing, speaking, doing). …seasonal: We grow in stages. …incarnational: We grow by … Continue reading Rick Warren’s Laws of Spiritual Growth